No 107 (2016)
Issue Description

We proudly begin with the good news, that thanks to our authors, who sent scientific papers for publication in 2016, and due to the work of all members of the editorial team the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education once again in december confirmed the attribution of 8 points to our MIR. This means, that our journal MIR is again registered as one of the so called „B-journals”, so ranks among the more important scientific publications acknowledged in Poland.
In Esperanto-journals we had the pleasure to read that the article written in Esperanto by the Hungarian physician István Hegyi, which was published in MIR with the title „Cooperation of Brain Hemispheres”, received a remarkable distinction from the International Academy of Sciences in San Marino in the competition for the renewed Pirlot Award. The certificate, which dates from 29th of July 2016 and was signed in Nitra, Slovakia, in the name of the prize-committee by Renato Corsetti, Reinhard Fossmeier, H. Michael Maitzen, Carlo Minnaja and Bengt-Arne Wickström, acknowledges the article according to the impression of the committee as the best scientific publication published in Esperanto in the years 2010-2015. Third place of the same award won our colleague Joaquim P. Brasil-Neto from Brazil for the paper „Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Transcranial Electric Stimulation: Applications in Neurology and Psychiatry”, which was published in MIR as well. First place of the award in the section „lecture” won Christoph Klawe for the lecture „AlphaGo vs. Master Lee: Arteficial Intelligence and the Human Brain as Basis of the Biological”, which was presented for the first time in Luxembourg 3rd of May 2016.
These successes show that MIR and the scientific work of UMEA-members have the capacity to gain excellent effects and hopefully they are good stimulants for us other members of the Esperanto-speaking medical community to proceed in our activities and to send interesting papers of high quality, directly written in Esperanto, for publication.

Vice Editor-in-chief                                     Editor-in-chief

Dr. Christoph Klawe                                    Associate Professor Włodzimierz Opoka


Jolanta Pytko-Polończyk, Prof., Bożena Muszyńska, Prof.
Natural products in dentistry
Christoph Klawe, Prof.
On medical terminology in the world of Esperanto: Recension of the Eight-language Medical Enyclopaedic Dictionary (ELMED): Pri medicina terminologio en Esperantujo: Recenzo de la Oklingva Medicina Enciklopedia Vortaro (OMEV) de Jozo Marević
Andrzej Moniczewski, Magdalena Starek, Anita Rutkowska
Toxicological aspects of metal impurities in cosmetics: (Oryg. Toksykologiczne aspekty zanieczyszczeń metalicznych w kosmetykach)
Karl F Masuhr
Poets, doctors and rebels – Psychosomatic aspects in their work: Oryg. Dichter, Ärzte und Rebellen – psychosomatische Aspekte ihres Wirkens
Przemysław Talik, Piotr Talik, Urszula Hubicka
The influence of sample preparation and the presence of other Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) and excipients on the use of DSC method in quantification of paracetamol in commercially available tablets
Ewa Błaszczyk-Bębenek, Beata Piórecka, Paweł Jagielski, Małgorzata SCHLEGEL-ZAWADZKA
Selected eating habits in upper secondary school: Adolescents from the region of podkarpacie
Bożena Muszyńska, Małgorzata Mastej, Katarzyna Sułkowska-Ziaja
Biological function of carotenoids and their occurrence in the fruiting bodies of mushrooms: Karotenoidy rola biologiczna i występowanie w owocnikach grzybów
Monika Urbanik
Advertising medicines in the 1800s
Jaśmina Żwirska, Paweł Jagielski, Małgorzata Schlegel-Zawadzka, Małgorzata Bajer, Adam Styczeń
Nutritional preferences of children and prevalence of overweight and obesity in children in grades 1-3 of primary schools in Kraków and Myślenice county: Preferencje żywieniowe dzieci, a występowanie nadwagi i otyłości w klasach 1-3 szkół podstawowych w Powiecie Myślenickim i Krakowie
Arja Kuhanen
Dormoapneo — insida mortiganto