Medicina Internacia Revuo
<p><strong><em>Medicina Internacia Revuo</em></strong> is an international journal with a long tradition – going back to 1923. It is an official forum of the Universala Medicina Esperanto Asocio for communicating results and ideas in medical science. The journal publishes reviews, original research papers and expert commentaries within a wide range of topics in pharmaceutical and health sciences. Published articles are written in congress languages with English and Esperanto abstracts. The journal is published twice a year in paper and electronic versions.</p>ZOZ Ośrodek UMEA SHINODA KURACEJO, Jagiellonian University in Kraków Faculty of Pharmacyen-USMedicina Internacia Revuo0465-5435TissueArtPrint: A new print-method for the artistical visualization of histological tissue slides
<p>In diesem Artikel wird ein neu entwickeltes Druckverfahren vorgestellt, welches ermöglicht, histologische Schnitte mittels eines Tiefdruck-Verfahrens als Drucke darzustellen. Ausgehend von einem mikroskopischen Schnittpräparat wird die hierzu korrespondierende Mikro-Fotografie mittels eines 3D-Druckverfahrens dreidimensional in eine dreidimensionale Druckform überführt. Diese dient als Druckstock. Die abzubildenden histologischen Strukturen liegen teilweise als Vertiefungen in der Druckform vor. Mit einer unterschiedlichen Kombination aus Farbmedien, wasserlöslichen und nicht wasserlöslichen Farben wird die Oberfläche des Druckstocks eingefärbt. Der anschließende Druckvorgang ist dann mit einer manuellen Druckgestaltung (Hand-Druck) möglich und erfordert somit keine hohe Druck-Kraft. Der Druckvorgang ist wiederholbar und damit zur Vervielfältigung geeignet. Die Farb-Medienkombination führt zu vielfältigen und auch unvorhersehbaren Farbgestaltungen, welche auch mit Farbverläufen, Farbgradienten, Farbmischungen, aber auch Farbreduktionen verbunden ist bzw. sein kann. Dadurch ist jeweils eine vollständige sogenannte Druck-Individualität gegeben, welche die gewebliche Variabilität berücksichtigt und auch einen Unterschied zu den üblichen Druckverfahren darstellt. Die Resultate ergeben realitätsnahe Drucke mit einer eigenständigen, gestalterischen und ästhetischen Qualität, welche dennoch die Besonderheit des jeweiligen Gewebes wiedergeben.</p>Veit KrennChristoph KlaweEric DechandtThomas Jung
2024-10-242024-10-2431122913Pseŭdotrombotamikroangiopatio, malofta kialo de mikroangiopata anemio
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Pseŭdotrombotamikroangiopatio aŭ Moschcowitz-sindromo estas malsano karakterizita per hemoliza anemio kun ĉeesto de skistocitoj kaj trombopenio, sekvanta al vitamino B12-manko. Ni prezentas la kazon de viro kun ĉi tiu morbo, kies difektoj estis solvitaj per la administrado de parentera cianokobalamino.</span></p>Jorge Collado-Saenz
2024-10-242024-10-24311221415Ireland’s Sugar Tax: A Case Study In How Not To Build An Evidence Base For Health Policy
<p>Ireland introduced a Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax (SSDT) on the 1st May 2018, with a subsequent expansion of the beverages covered in 2019. This measure was introduced in an attempt to combat rising levels of obesity and overweight. Five years later Ireland’s Department of Health invited applications for an evaluation of the impact of the SSDT. This investigation was designed to determine if the SSDT was successful in realising two key objectives: (1) that individuals reduce consumption of sugar sweetened drinks by reducing the amount consumed or switching to healthier choices; (2) that industry reformulates products to reduce (not necessarily remove) levels of added sugar in the drinks products. However, no baseline information on consumption, prices, beverage availability, or beverage composition was collected. This deficit critically weakened attempts at evaluation of the impact of the SSDT. Government-funded ongoing cross-sectional and longitudinal health surveys were not optimised to support an evaluation of the SSDT, and relevant survey questions changed during this 5-year post tax implementation period, thus preventing their meaningful incorporation in any evaluation of the SSDT. Future health interventions must be accompanied by careful evaluation plans based on robust data collection and analysis.</p>Frank HoughtonJennifer Moran StritchJeremy AuerbachMia DalyDaisy Houghton
2024-10-242024-10-24311222027Prolonging the Tobacco Endgame in Aotearoa/ New Zealand: A Tragedy With Global Implications
<p>Aotearoa/ New Zealand was due to introduce a ground-breaking new law that would potentially achieve smoke-free status by 2025 by banning cigarettes completely for people below a certain age and raising that age annually. This move is vital for the population generally but is particularly important for Māori. The Māori population has significantly higher rates of tobacco-related mortality and morbidity, as well as smoking rates almost 200% higher than the New Zealand European population. However, a newly elected right-wing Government there has made an abrupt U-turn and abandoned this policy. The implications of this about-turn will impact not only Aotearoa/ New Zealand but will undoubtedly setback tobacco control globally.</p>Frank Houghton
2024-10-242024-10-24311221619“Kind-hearted geniuses who read”: Osteopathic physicians as authors of popular medical books
<p>We study the authorship of medical books—published in the United States by scholarly presses—intended for a broad audience. While the proportion of practicing osteopathic physicians in the United States is 8.2% in general and 9.3% in primary-care specialties, we find that the number of popular medical books written by osteopathic physicians is far smaller. Consequently, the general public is not as well-exposed to the osteopathic philosophy of health and wellness as it could be.</p>Trevor LipscombeClare Delmore