No 103 (2014)
Issue Description
From the Editor
Dear readers,

Since the last issue the 19th International Medical Esperanto Congress (IMEK) took place in Budapest between the 16th and 20th of July 2014. This event has already been eported in various places. In fact the congress of the Esperanto–speaking doctors occurred along with the 1st „Central European Biomedical Congress” (CEBC) which had several participants of scientists from the universities of Krakow and Budapest. The combined meeting had an impressive scientific level and was certainly a very interesting and inspiring experience for all of the 180 participants. The whole event could see the light of day only because of the intense and careful preparation by the organizers and the efforts of the members of the Hungarian Esperanto Association, especially the members and helpers of the Medical Esperanto Group of Budapest.

During the congress the National Delegates of the UMEA elected a new board, which has been working to increase the cooperation and improve the efficiency of our international network of physicians in the last six months. There are now old and new members of our association in Albania, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Japan, Cuba and Poland, and hopefully our network will grow even more in the future.

We are looking forward to inform a greater number of Esperantists about our achievements during the annual meeting at the next Esperanto World Congress in Lille.
We are pleased to see that the current issue of MIR presents a larger number of articles written in Esperanto than the three last editions. Should any of you need a translation of an article to another language than that of the original text or the summary, we will be able to obtain a translation, however it will require some time as we will have to rely on the
help of volunteers.

We would like to ensure that all members and subscribers receive our Journal MIR regularly. Therefore we ask the subscribers who are just now reading a paper copy of this issue to notify us by e–mail.


Editor-in-chief Associate Professor Włodzimierz Opoka
Vice Editor-in-chief Doctor Christoph Klawe




Sylvia Kotterba, Matthias Walther, Barbara Stollfuß, Stefan Braune, Patrick Bussfeld, Thomas Glaser, Markus Schürks
BETASLEEP, Sleep Quality, Fatigue and Functional Health Status among Betaferon® treated MS patients – Design of an observational study
Bożena Muszyńska, Paweł Komendacki, Katarzyna Kała, Włodzimierz Opoka, Jacek Rojowski
L-Tryptophan and its derivatives in edible mushrooms species
Karolina Bogatko, Aleksandra Szopa, Ewa Poleszak
Caffeine and neurodegenerative disorders
Karl F. Masuhr
Differentiated diagnostics and multimodal therapy of neuropathic pain.: (Oryg. Differenzierte Diagnostik und multimodale Therapie neuropathischer Schmerzen)
Joaquim P. Brasil-Neto
Transcranial Magnetic stimulation and transcranial electric stimulation: applications in neurology and psychiatry.: (Oryg. Transkrania magneta stimulado kaj transkrania elektra stimulado: aplikadoj en Neŭrologio kaj Psikiatrio.)
Christoph Klawe, Veit Krenn
Discoveries: Contemplations on some works of Veit Krenn: (Oryg. Enthüllungen: Betrachtung einiger Arbeiten von Veit Krenn)
Thomas Bohrer, Adelin Charles, Jean-Louis Godson Wicherly Whitecomb, Pierre Carllink
Why we need intercultural medical ethics today – pleading for intercultural reflexion and discussion of ethical norms after the earthquake in Haiti 2010.: (Oryg. Warum wir heute eine interkulturelle Medizinethik brauchen- ein Plädoyer für die Notwendigkeit einer neuen interkulturellen Normenreflexion und Diskussion nach dem Erdbeben in Haiti 2010.)
Eduard Kusters
Aletta Jacobs (1854–1929):the first female physician in the Netherlands.: Aletta Jacobs (1854–1929):la unua ina kuracisto en Nederlando.
Anna Rybeczka-Gacek, Jerzy Piwkowski, Bożena Muszyńska
Długopole - The history of a Spa
Yasuo Hori
La 23an de julio 2014: Malsaniĝo pro nuklea akcidento kaj pro radioaktiveco
Edward J. Mardola, Sandra J. Doyle
Navy Medicine in Vietnam – The U.S. Navy and the Vietnam War.: (Oryg. Resumo de interesa libro: „Medicino de la usona mararmeo en Vjetnamio.)
Christoph Klawe
Ebola algorithm,traduko far D-ro