The sensory pleasure of a good soup represents a complex synthesis of molecular and cellular inputs of ions. Here we are focusing on the intake of potassium ions affecting the muscles along with the sensorineural science of eating a satisfying bowl of soup. Unbalanced ionic homeostasis and modified expression of ion channels is presumably involved in the inhibition of normal physiological functions. Salts are necessary components of soup with the flavorful broth that the salt complements turn out to activate another components of the sense of taste, the sense of savoury. Here we show the properties, molecular composition and pharmacological effects of potassium ions for the main channels of Kv-type, Kir and connexin channels in the ear system and the muscle components under physiological concentration of K-ions. However, the high concentration of K+- and Na+-ions evokes an aversive response, which is curiously not well understood at molecular level that respond to sour or bitter flavors. The ionic homeostasis has the main role to keep the cell tone in the muscle cells and, within all cells, what is supported by soup containing a wide variety of ions and flavors.