The new editors of the “International Medicine Review” magazine continue their work and present you the 101st edition of this international medical journal.
Thanks to our hard working co-editors and the UMEA SHINODA clinic in Kraków we are hoping to get more success for MIR. The coming year, 2014 is especially important for UMEA, because between the 16th and 20th of July UMEA is organizing the 19th International Medical Esperanto Congress in Budapest, Hungary under the Honorary Protection of the Rector of the Semmelweis University in Budapest Prof. Ágoston Szél and the Rector of the Medical College of Jagiellonian University in Kraków Prof. Piotr Laidler. We hope that the 19th IMEK will achieve scientific, organizational and financial success, and as a result of that we will be able to continue the publication of MIR and the organizational work of UMEA.
As you can see, in this issue MIR publishes some interesting articles of new authors.
MIR is probably the only magazine which accepts articles in various languages with an obligatory abstract in English and Esperanto.
In this year the evaluation of MIR will be updated for the “Index Copernicus” taking into account the December 2013 issue of our magazine. In the New Year we are also waiting for the judgment of the U.S. commission to see whether MIR is going to be included in the NCBI database. This would facilitate finding published articles through scientific search engines such as PubMed.
MIR continues to prove that Esperanto works well with other languages in the medical sciences. Although we are willing to accept articles in any language, we hope that the Esperanto-speaking medical scientists continue to publish their articles directly in Esperanto.
The Editing Committee of MIR expects additional publications especially those that will be presented during the 19th IMEK this year in Budapest.
We are pleased to find additional co-editors for MIR from different countries. We have the pleasure to welcome Sister Dr Christiana Ubaka of Nigeria in the editorial team. She is the head of an Ophthalmology hospital in her home country.
We are hoping to receive more of your original articles about your research, interesting case re-ports, and summaries of important scientific issues or reports on difference aspects of the Health System in your countries.
At this opportunity we thank Associate Professor Bożena Muszyńska (Pharmaceutical Faculty of Medical College of the Jagiellonian University) for her hard work on correcting and co-editing this issue of MIR.
Editor-in-chief Associate Professor Włodzimierz Opoka
Vice Editor-in-chief Doctor Christoph Klawe