Dear Readers,
These words of our Editorial Committee begin with thanks to all co-workers, whose selfless work brought our science review MIR to a jubilee—as we now publish the 110th issue. On this occasion we heartily thank and congratulate those who help us collaborate so well.
We are glad that our MIR Editorial Commitee is able to work with the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, because, as in past occasions this faculty is the best in Poland from the scientific viewpoint.
Little by little, authors of scientific publications sent to MIR adjust to the new system of submitting articles. It happened that the applied Open Journal System (OJS) developed thanks to initiation by the “Public Knowledge Project,” works well and enables an effective submission process for our review.
We believe that Open Access for the MIR magazine will increase the number of scientific articles sent to MIR. With this option we would like to remind you that information regarding preparation of articles, texts, and illustrations to be submitted with this system is at the address and information on responsibility of reviewers is on the page:
Closing these editorial words we ask our esteemed authors and readers to send us any remarks relating to improvement of the quality of MIR.
Professor Włodzimierz Opoka Editor-in-Chief
Professor Bożena Muszyńska Vice-Editor-in-Chief
Doctor Christoph Klawe Vice-Editor-in-Chief