Demonstration of a therapy-induced regression of a carcinoma - twodimensional, threedimensional and musically


art in medicine
cancer therapy
tumor regression

How to Cite

Klawe C, Krenn V, Jung T. Demonstration of a therapy-induced regression of a carcinoma - twodimensional, threedimensional and musically. mir [Internet]. 25Mar.2024 [cited 14Sep.2024];30(121):227-30. Available from:


This article presents an art project inspired by the exciting successes of the latest cancer-therapies, which make complete and sustained remissions of carcinomas a realistic outcome. Based on the histopathological specimens multidimensional graphics and sculptures are created. These objects of art can even be trasformed in musical compositions: by these means a multisensual art project succeeds in celebrating the modern successes of cancer-therapy and making them an instantaneous aesthetic experience.



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