A study of student mental health was conducted in an Irish university level college prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. The study had two principal objectives. The first of these was to provide a baseline examination of student mental health. The second aim was to explore the utility of several self-report mental health measures that had not previously been examined in an Irish population. This paper examines student mental health using one of these measures, the Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation Short Form B (CORE SFB). Results from the achieved sample of 763 students are explored. Females self-reported significantly higher levels of mental distress on two of the CORE SFB subscales (the Wellbeing and Problems subscales) as well as on the Mean Total Score (MTS). Males were significantly more likely to endorse an item exploring threatening behaviour towards others. Final year students were also significantly more likely to self-report higher levels of mental distress on the Wellbeing, Problems and Functioning subscales, as well as on the MTS. Internal and test-retest reliability indicated support for the CORE SFB. Examination of the CORE SFB alongside the Mental Health Index (MHI) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI 18) indicated convergent validity for this measure. Preliminary empirical percentile scores for the CORE SFB subscales and the total score were developed.
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